Quantum Qorner: Space-time Bender

The Science of Tomorrow Applied Today
Space-time Bender
Quantum Gravity in a bottle: Trappist Beer unlocks secret to anti-gravity
Formulation means it’s near impossible to fall over
But mind you don’t lose your head! (and beware of Graviton Reflux)
Special Report by Science Editor Round A.Bout. Reprinted with the permission of GreyTownGazette.com.
Poechenellekelder , Brussels, Fri May 20th:
It’s the Holy Grail of Beer Science: a beer that not only tastes good but prevents you falling over
The brew is the result of over 25 year’s of dedicated research by a reclusive group of Trappist Monks. Using just simple brewing technology and pure ingredients the monks have succeeded where countless physicists with their supercomputers, billion dollar cyclotrons and coal mines full of dry cleaning fluid have failed: they’ve managed to successfully unify Einstein’s General Relativity with Quantum Mechanics and in the process discover a genuinely useful application
The new process – trademarked ‘Enlitenment‘ – instills their beer with an amazing property: it enables it’s drinkers to defy gravity (more…)